Friday, October 24, 2008

Celine Dion - Just Walk Away

I know I never loved this way before
And no one else has loved me more
With you I've laughed and cried
I have lived and died
What I wouldn't do just to be with you

I know I must forget you to go on
I can't hold back my tears too long
Though life won't be the same
I've got to take the blame
And find the strengthI need to let you go

Just walk away
Just say goodbye
Don't turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn't fall apart
Or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you

So walk away
And close the door
And let my life be as it was before
And I'll never never know
Just how I let you go
But there's nothing left to say
Just walk away

There'll never be a moment I'll regret
I've loved you since the day we met
For all the love you gave
And all the love we made
I know I've got to find the strength to say

Just walk away
Just say goodbye
Don't turn around now you may see me cry
I mustn't fall apart
Or show my broken heart
Or the love I feel for you

So walk away
And close the door
And let my life be as it was before
And I'll never never know
Just how I let you go
But there's nothing left to say
Just walk away

Monday, October 13, 2008

I HATE YOU THEN I LOVE YOU (Celine Dion & Luciano Pavarotti)

I'd like to run away from you
But if I were to leave you I would die
I'd like to break the chains you put around me
And yet I'll never try

No matter what you do you drive me crazy
I'd rather be alone
But then I know my life would be so empty
As soon as you were gone

Impossible to live with you
But I could never live without you
For whatever you do / For whatever you do
I never, never, never
Want to be in love with anyone but you

You make me sad
You make me strong
You make me mad
You make me long for you / You make me long for you

You make me live
You make me die
You make me laugh
You make me cry for you / You make me cry for you

I hate you
Then I love you
Then I love you
Then I hate you
Then I love you more
For whatever you do
I never, never, never
Want to be in love with anyone but you

You treat me wrong
You treat me right
You let me be
You make me fight with you / I could never live without you

You make me high
You bring me down
You set me free
You hold me bound to you

I hate you
Then I love you
Then I love you
Then I hate you
Then I love you more / I love you more
For whatever you do / For whatever you do
I never, never, never
Want to be in love with anyone but you

I never, never, never
I never, never, never
I never, never, never
Want to be in love with anyone but you
But you

Saturday, October 11, 2008

الرفراف الجميل يحصل على لقب "طائر العام2009"

أعلنت الجمعية الألمانية لحماية البيئة وجمعية حماية الطيور في ولاية بافاريا اليوم في مؤتمر صحفي منح طائر" الرفراف" أو "صياد السمك" Alcedo atthis الجميل لقب "طائر العام 2009"، وذلك للفت الانتباه إلى المخاطر المحدقة بهذا الطائر، بعد اختفائه من كثير من مناطق التي كان يتواجد فيها. وتعتبر المناطق النهرية والأحواض المائية البيئة الطبيعية لهذا الطائر الذي يتغذى على الأسماك الصغيرة والحشرات المائية وغيرها من الحيوانات والسرطانات البحرية.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Randy Crawford - Almaz

She only smiles
He only tells her
that she's the flowers, the wind and spring
In all her splendor sweetly surrendering
The love that innocence brings

Almaz, pure and simple
Born in a world where love survives
Now men will want her
'Cause life don't haunt her
Almaz, You lucky lucky thing

Now I watch closely
And I watch wholly
I can't imagine love so rare
She's young and tender
But will life bend her
I look around is she everywhere

He throws her kisses
She shares his wishes
I'm sure he's keen without a doubt
With love so captive
So solely captive
I ask if I could play the part

Almaz, You lucky lucky thing
Almaz, You lucky lucky thing

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

وكالة الفضاء الأمريكية (ناسا) ترصد ثلوج في سحب كوكب المريخ

أعلنت وكالة الطيران والفضاء الأمريكية (ناسا) أن المركبة الفضائية "فينيكس مارس" عثرت على ثلوج تتساقط من السحب فوق كوكب المريخ. وأظهرت أجهزة فينيكس أن الثلوج تتبخر قبل أن تصل إلى الأرض. وقال الباحث جيم وايتواي من جامعة يورك في تورنتو: "لم ير أحد مثل هذا المنظر في المريخ.. سنبحث عن إشارات على أن الثلوج يمكن أن تصل إلى الأرض (أرض المريخ)". وقال العلماء أيضا إنهم عثروا على مادة كربونات الكالسيوم وهي المادة الرئيسية المكونة للطباشير وربما الصلصال وهاتين مادتين لا تتكونان إلا في وجود المياه السائلة. وكانت فينيكس أكدت في وقت سابق وجود ثلوج على سطح المريخ. ويعد اكتشاف وجود مياه سائلة على سطح المريخ أمرا أساسيا لمعرفة إذا كانت وجدت حياة على سطح الكوكب الصخري من قبل.